I led Arrowhead for the first time! There were a couple of nerve-wracking sections where I couldn't stop for placements, and one bit where the horizontals just didn't offer anything worthwhile, but in all it wasn't too bad. It has a top out, but I couldn't belay from above the anchor, so I set up a hanging belay just to be cool. Here I am belaying Eric. I think the crooked helmet is an especially nifty touch. Rakish, eh?
Eric & I had both led Razorback before, but he decided to do it again. Here he is thinking about putting in his first piece. (Bad ass.) He put two more in, got tangled in rhodos and fell. I looked up when he said "Shit!" and saw him fall at least 12 feet onto that last cam. All his placements held (phew!) but he twisted his ankle when he came in contact with the rock.

Here he is with an icy nalgene treatment.

And this is me, looking wanton with the nut tool in my mouth. (Actually, I was trying to extract the cam that Eric fell on. Bill had to finish extracting it for me.)
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