Saturday, May 26, 2007

Phantasia, 20 May with Eric, Alice, Dan and sort of Bill

Last Sunday Eric & Alice & I trekked again to the Red River Gorge, this time with a young, heterosexual, creative, agile, muscular dancer named Daniel. He leads harder than we do and doesn't seem to mind my staring.

He's on the right in this photo. Why we've never climbed with him before I don't know, but including him in our outings is a primary goal of my life now.

Okay that's an exaggeration.

We went to Phantasia. Most of my photos from that trip were blue -- anybody know why digital photos would all be blue? -- or fuzzy, but here's one through the trees that I like.

We ran into Bill at the crag -- sort of on purpose. He was leading 10 trad lines which I wish I had been able to follow, but we didn't have time. Bill knew Dan the Dancer, I guess because they both climb and dance. They were hilariously alike for people so different in age & appearance. I wish I had photographed them together.

I teamed up with Alice while Eric took a pass by climbing with the hottie -- all that muscle to look at AND he didn't have to lead much. I led an easy trad line called Petit Bazaar and a fantastic 5.9ish sport line called Pogue Ethics. The start of that second route is overhung to the first bolt, and I almost refused to do it, but Alice said plainly that she thought I could, and then when I thought about it I decided it was POSSIBLE that I could, and why not try? It was a great route. Thanks, Alice!

Then Eric & I followed Daniel up Creature Feature. Yes, the route with the giant cave, out of which one must lean all yogalike backwards without being able to see, to reach up and feel around for handholds which then do nothing for you unless you can carry your entire body weight on your arms. I always have trouble there, and did again. *Flail, hang, haul my ass up two inches, whine, repeat* Everytime I go to Phantasia I start by thinking I should try to lead that route, and end by thinking how stupid I am for thinking it.

Still, a great day.


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