Saturday, December 23, 2006

post script to bedtime archive

i was thinking about the day a__ took the picture in the prior post. how it got colder as the day wore on and how, when we came around the corner to 'bedtime for bonzo,' the wind hit us. suddenly the cold was less tolerable, and we could hear the tall trees around us creaking as they bent in the wind. i remember asking a__ whether she thought they were dying.

creeeeeaaaaaaaaak. the creaking sound would go on and on. and the trees were so tall and so thin that it seemed to me to be a perfectly legit question. how did they stay up there in that wind? how long could they possibly last?

it's like life. totally unlikely, with forces opposing it in constant action, and yet we continue creaking our way along.

i wish i had pictures of those trees, but i don't. but here are a few more from that day. above is a__ on one of the calypsos. and this next one is eric on 'bedtime.'

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Archive number 2: 22 October

A_ took this one of me staring at the shadows on Bedtime for Bonzo at Fortress, RRG. All those leaves are gone now.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

plan for the winter

This blog has to survive the indoor season somehow. My current plan is to upload one photo or so per week from the huge archive from this summer and last year. This will perpetuate my thrilling everything-out-of-order pattern and keep my readers guessing. (Sorry. But at least you won't be bored!)

This is a picture of Craig Luebben, who taught my partners and me to climb trad. He's a hot shot (senior editor for 'Climbing', a prodigious climber, and on and on) but also a sweetie. Here he is slacking on the job. He had been living out of his car for a few weeks -- maybe months? -- while teaching clinics at our gym and at the Red, and developing some new routes in Muir Valley. We convinced him to stay a couple extra days (should have offered him a room too) to teach us a bit about placing gear. He may now be divorced because of it.